An official with Iran Trade Development Organization said that 145 commercial and economic delegations from 48 countries comprising 3,763 delegates visited the country in the past nine months.

Abu-Taleb Badri added that 71 delegations with 2,640 members from European and American continents, 41 teams with 702 delegates from Asia and Pacific as well as 34 delegations from Arab and African states comprising 421 members arrived in Iran in the said period.
Germany accounted for more visits to Tehran by sending 12 delegations in the past nine months followed by Iraq with 11 teams, he said.
Japan with eight, China with seven, Lebanon and Oman each with six teams and Italy, Turkey, Serbia and Venezuela each with five delegations, Britain, South Africa, Kazakhstan and India each with four delegations, Russia, Holland, Indonesia, Brazil, South Korea, Poland, Thailand and Czech Republic each with three, Pakistan, the Switzerland, France, Hungary, Azerbaijan Republic and Tunisia each with two and Belgium, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Croatia, Kenya, Guinea Equatorial, Lithonia, Malaysia, Niger, Norway, Armenia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Austria, Ukraine, Uganda and Spain each with a delegation stood next.
The Italian 360-member delegation headed by the country’s deputy minister of economic development was the biggest team visiting Iran during the past nine months.
Foreign teams arrived in Tehran in quest for joint investors, technology transfer, holding face-to-face talks and purchase raw materials from Iran, Badri said.
Paving the way for holding joint commissions, visiting exhibitions, searching for sales representatives, direct sales of the products and examining Iran’s market were among other objectives of the foreign teams visiting Iran, he said.