Next year is going to be a good year for Iran’s economy, says the first vice president, urging all organizations and institutions to adopt the economy of resistance.

‘The government is confident that next year (Persian calendar), under reforms in economic, foreign and resistance economy policies, the country is going to experience good conditions in terms of investment, production and job creation,’ said Es’haq Jahangiri at an inaugural ceremony for the Mehrabad Airport subway.
Characterizing resistance economy as a transparent, knowledge-based, popular economy, Jahangiri urged all the organizations and institutions to follow the policies of the economy of resistance.
‘Resistance economy demands popular participation and everybody should adopt it,’ he said, referring to the endorsement given by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for the economy of resistance.
‘The Supreme Leader says everybody is accountable in following the policies of resistance economy and that he is supportive of it,’ said Jahangiri.