Australian Minister of Trade Steven Ciobo will lead a delegation to Tehran September 27.

The major aim of Ciobo’s Tehran travel is to reopen the country’s trade office in the Iranian capital. The office has been closed since 2010.
Ciobo’s visit to Tehran will be the first of the kind in about 15 years.
‘There are significant trade opportunities as Iran re-engages with the world following the easing of sanctions,’ he has told ABC News.
Iran is a ‘potential source of future economic growth,’ he added.
‘In that respect, we’ve seen the easing of sanctions and it’s really through the easing of those sanctions now that Australia and other countries are looking to Iran, a country of some 80 million people, as a good potential source of future economic growth.’
Ciobo said the country (Iran) was moving in the right direction.
In line with the July 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the six world powers, which led to lifting of the anti-Iran sanctions on January, 2016, Australia eased sanctions against Iran in early March.