Belarus keen to increase ties with Iran, Belarusian Ambassador to Iran Victor Ribak said on Monday.
He made the remarks in a meeting with the Mayor of Tabriz Sadegh Najafi.
The envoy added that Belarus and Iran relations are developing.
Volume of two countries’ joint investment has been more than their trade balance last year, he noted.
The official said that holding 12th meeting of Iran-Belarus Joint Commission and the meetings between two states’ high ranking officials has helped boost of all out ties.
Elsewhere in his remarks, he urged increase of trade exchange and economic cooperation between Iran and Belarus.
The envoy conveyed the message of Mogilev mayor to the mayor of Tabriz.
The mayor of Mogilev has stressed, in the letter, the importance of improvement of all-out ties between Tabriz and Mogilev.
The mayor of Tabriz for his part welcomed expansion of all out ties between Tabriz and Mogilev as two sister cities.
He urged holding cultural weeks in Tabriz and Mogilev in order to boost bilateral ties between the two cities.