The visiting Vice-Chancellor of Germany Sigmar Gabriel has announced that Deutsche Bundesbank and Central Bank of Iran (CBI) are to sign an agreement on mutual cooperation on Monday.

Gabriel made the announcement at a day-long business forum attended by the Iranian and German officials in Tehran.
By economic cooperation, the most complicated questions between the two sides can be solved, Gabriel said.
He further referred to the joint Germany-Iran economic commission that held last year after 15 years, hoping that the next commission would be held soon.
Anti-Iran sanctions were removed on January 16, 2016. After, the world countries which were under pressure to not have cooperation with Iran due to the sanctions resumed relations with the country.
Gabriel, who is also Germany’s minister for economic affairs and energy, hoped that the two countries would revive the good relations they experienced in the past.
Some of the German companies were trying to keep in touch with their Iranian sides in the sanctions era and within the framework, he added.
Then, he stressed the importance of removing the obstacles on the way of financial relations between the two countries.