Minister of Energy Hamid Chitchian said on Saturday that different countries sought joint venture investment in construction of power plants and sewage system in Iran.

Chitchian told a press conference that lifting the sanctions prepared the ground for direct foreign investment in water and electricity industry.
Chinese were the sole financier for implementation of the projects in the past years, but today by implementation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Ministry of Energy received many requests from Europe, Russia, South Korea, China, Japan, Britain, France and Italy for joint venture investment.
Chitchian said that taking delivery of the money from export of technical, engineering services, equipment and electricity was a trouble in the past several years, but, now the money transfer to and from the country is open.
He said that transfer of new technology is another achievement of lifting sanctions and for instance there was no possibility to manufacture class F turbines in the country, but now, Germany and Italy are expected to transfer technology to Iran.
Concerning the impacts of oil price falls on price of electricity export, Chitchian said that some of the contracts already envisaged mechanism dependent on oil price to determine price of electricity, so by the oil price falls they will decrease, but, a number of contracts are not dependent on oil prices.