President and CEO of General Electric Oil & Gas Company Lorenzo Simoneli in a meeting with Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iran Akbar Komeijani said that the company is willing to develop business with Iran.

Simoneli said that GE has activities in many important industrial fields such as oil, gas, electricity, road construction, airplane and hospital equipment.
Komeijani said that Iran welcomes joint venture investment in oil, gas, mines industries, manufacturing sector and services for domestic consumption and possibility to export to regional markets.
He said that Iran’s new government and the Central Bank of Iran are obliged to observe monetary and financial discipline in a bid to reduce inflation and increase growth rate of the national economy.
The Iranian official said that there is bright prospects for Iran’s economy in year 2016 and that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have anticipated growth around 5.5 percent.
Meanwhile, directors of foreign exchange department of CBI presented a report about foreign investment regulations and role of banking system to facilitate the joint venture investment.
The London-based GE Oil & Gas firm is originally an American company active in production of drilling equipment and oil refinery as well as manufacturing under-sea pumps.
During the sanctions, General Electric could receive authorization from US government to sell medical equipment to Iran.