Germany on Tuesday hailed Iran’s decision to ship part of its low-enriched uranium stockpile to Russia as part of the July 14 Vienna deal, calling it ‘very important’.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in a statement that the Iranian uranium shipment to Russia was ‘one of the first very important steps’ when it came to implementing the Vienna nuclear accord.
He reiterated that the Vienna nuclear agreement presented also a new chance for the crisis-stricken Middle East.
Steinmeier stressed that sanctions against Iran would be lifted as soon as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirms that Iran has complied with all its obligations under the Vienna deal.
The European Union has paved the way for the legal requirements of such a move, he added.
Steinmeier pointed out that the Vienna agreement proved that a diplomatic solution was possible, if both sides are convinced it serves their interests, even when both sides are suspicious or hold hostile views towards one another.