Iran’s oil industry has succeeded in localizing its drilling industry knowledge in the last 36 years which can boost its partnership with foreign firms, said managing director of Global Petro Tech Kish company.

“After foundation of the National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) and departure of foreign companies from Iran in the early days of the Islamic Revolution, the operation was completed by NIDC and the quality of work has increased in Iran,” Bahman Sourshi told Shana.
Speaking on the 36th anniversary of NIDC establishment following the decree by late leader of the revolution Ayatollah Khomeini, he said that oil rigns, despite their old ages, have been updated and Iranian experts have managed to boost the industry by using new technologies and launching training courses.
The only constraint in the drilling industry has been the lack of high-tech technologies due to sanctions which resulted in protraction of projects.
“Nevertheless, these limitations could not obstruct our drilling operations because the knowledge has been localized,” he added.
Saying that one cannot disregard effects of sanctions and the ban on strategic equipment, Soroushi also said that import of low-quality equipment in the past years has prolonged the process of repairing drilling rigs.
He said the new Iran Petroleum Contracts (IPC) stipulate that foreign firms shall employ Iranian partners in their projects which can bear positive results for the oil industry.