President of the Renewable Energies Technologies Development Headquarter of the Vice Presidency for Science Affairs has reported on a 5-year cooperation roadmap in renewable energies field between Iran and Austria.

According to the Media Department of the vice presidency for science and technology affairs, a meeting was held in the presence of Sirus Vatankhah and the Austrian representatives of Austria’s efficient technologies work group to develop scientific and technological cooperation in renewable energies field.
Head of Foreign Economic Projects and Technology Exports Office of Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy of Austria, Master of foreign economic policy and the integration of Europe of Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economics and Austrian politico-economic attaché took part in the event to establish necessary interactions to develop Iran-Austria scientific cooperation.
According to to the agreements reached during Vatankhah’s trip to Austria and the executive programs for technological cooperation between the two countries, it was decided that the annual program of holding joint workshops in renewable energies fields, cooperation in transferring the technology of the incineration system and the presence of Austrian firms in Iran’s international conference on renewable energies be on the agenda.