Iran and Austria on Monday signed agreement on environment protection.

Head of the Department of Environment of Iran Masoumeh Ebtekar and Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Andra Rupprechter signed the agreement.
During the signing ceremony, Majid Shafipour, the head of the Center for International and Conventions Affairs of the Department of Environment, said the two countries held negotiations on September 8 to draw up a roadmap on protection of environment.
On the areas of cooperation, he said that management of solid wastes, treatment of dangerous industrial wastes, preventing and controlling pollution of surface and undersurface waters, proper management of the country’s rivers, global warming and protecting wild life species and national parks were the main issues for protection of environment.
He said that the agreements signed today were drafted last September and will be finalized during an upcoming visit to Austria by President Hassan Rouhani.