Iran’s Offshore Oil Company (IOOC) has boosted extraction of crude oil from Reshadat oilfield by 4,500 bpd.
The boost has come after downhole operations at four of the field’s wells were finalized, said Abbas Rajab Khani, an IOOC official responsible for the field.
He said launching the CR-10 development well at the field was also the key to its recovery enhancement, Shana reported.
He said more boosts are under way from the field as other wells are being repaired by IOOC.
Nearly 6,000 bpd of crude oil will is planned to be added to Reshadat oilfield’s output.
Discovered in 1965, Reshadat was initially developed by the Italian company Iminico.
National Iranian Oil Company (NICO) approved a $7 billion package for investment in three oil and gas fields, the IOOC head said in February.
Saeed Hafezei said the investments were to be made in Resalat and Reshadat oil fields and Salman gas field.
All these fields are located 18 kilometers from Iran’s Persian Gulf coasts on Lavan Island. The island is currently offering 105,000 b/d of oil.
IOOC, which accounts for the bulk of Iran’s offshore oil production, operates reservoirs in five regions.