Iran and Romania discussed avenues for cooperation on forests, pasture and herbal medicine in a meeting in Tehran.

Head of the Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Management Organization (FRWO) Khodakaram Jalali said in a meeting with the Romanian Minister of Environment and Forests Christiana Pasca Palmer that Iran has 14.2 million hectares of forests, one hectare of which is in Hirkani that is partly exploited.
He further noted that Iran is a climatically diverse country which enjoys 11 of 13 climates across the world and is the fifth country in the world in terms of biodiversity.
Iran boasts of high experience in the field of desert greening in the region and world and has so far conducted eight hectares of desert greening, he said.
Jalali said that herbal medicine is one of clear-cut characteristics of forests and pastures in Iran which enjoys high potentials in the field.
Palmer, for his part, described uncontrolled exploitation of forests and wood smuggling as one of the biggest challenges facing the country’s management of forests, saying that Romania is one of the countries enjoying the most natural forests among the European states.
Romania with 6,900,000 hectares of forests boasts of very rich biodiversity, he said, noting that 50 percent of its forests are run by private sector.
Romani which boasts of diverse herbal medicines can have excellent cooperation with Iran in the field, Romanian minister said.
Romania is in southeast Europe and its capital is Bucharest .
Palmer is to talk with Agriculture Jihad Minister Mahmoud Hojjati on September 19.