Iran’s ambassador to Serbia and the Chairman of Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a meeting called for reinforcing economic cooperation and increasing trade volume between Iran and Serbia.

Speaking in a meeting with Marko Čadež on Friday, Iranian Ambassador Hossein Abdollahi pointed to holding the 15th Joint Economic Commission between the two countries soon, expressing hope for holding a meeting on the sidelines of the event to introduce Iran’s economic attractions and capacities to Serbian business people.
Čadež also expressed Serbia’s readiness to hold the meeting, saying that it is suitable to promote trade cooperation level between the two countries.
“Serbian Chamber is capable of playing a crucial role in establishing relations with Iran since almost all big merchants and businessmen and women of Serbia are members of the Chamber,” he said.
He also called for exchanging trade and economic information and holding joint meetings between Iran’s Chamber and Balkan States’ Chamber in Tehran.
Čadež supported launching direct fights between the two countries and facilitating visa issuance to both countries’ merchants as an important factor in promoting trade volume.
Iranian envoy underscored the suitable context in post-JCPOA era, inviting Serbian investors to participate in Iran’s market.
He also expressed Iran’s readiness to have cooperation with Serbia in transportation, energy, infrastructural installations and agricultural fields.