Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade, Mohammad-Reza Nematzadeh, said on Tuesday that Iran and Serbia will embark on joint investment in industrial, mining and agricultural sectors in the future.

In a meeting with Serbian Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic, Nematzadeh said trade, tourism, culture, science and research, exchange of professors and students in various fields are among areas in which Iran and Serbia can cooperate.
He said establishment of joint companies to implement infrastructural projects is of importance and will guarantee expansion of bilateral relations.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Nematzadeh said Iran-Serbia trade exchanges should be upgraded in tune with bilateral political relations.
He said Tehran and Belgrade enjoy high capacity which should be taken into consideration and efforts should be made to take appropriate decisions in a joint commission session to be held in Iran in December.
He said many agreements have been reached between Iran and Serbia and efforts should be made to ensure the enforcements of the accords. Gojkovic for her part voiced her country’s willingness for promotion of bilateral economic relations and said efforts will be made to broaden parliamentary ties, while at the same time upgrading mutual trade and tourism relations.