The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of Thailand on Tuesday signed six cooperation documents on developing comprehensive economic cooperation in post-sanctions era.

The new cooperation documents were signed at Tehran’s Saadabad Cultural Complex between Vice President for Executive Affairs Mohammad Shariatmadari and Thai Deputy Prime Minister Somkit Jatosi Pitak.
Tehran and Thailand have agreed accordingly agreed to cooperate in economic, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, scientific and standards fields.
The economic cooperation documents between Iran and Thailand were initially signed by the Iranian minister of industries, mines and commerce and the Thai economy minister.
The documents of the 9th Joint Economic Commission of Iran and Thailand were initially signed by the Iranian minister of industries, mines and the Thai foreign minister.
The scientific cooperation document in nanotechnology field was initially signed by the head of Iran’s Special Headquarters for Development of Nanotechnology Technology and the executive manager of Thailand National Nanotechnology Center.
The scientific cooperation document was signed by head of board of directors of Iran’s Sina-Gene Company and the research department manager of Thailand National Research Center in Genetic and biotechnology Field.
The last and 6th cooperation document in standards field was deputy head of the Iranian National Standards Organization and the managing director of Thailand’s Ministry of Industries.
Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Somkit Jatosi Pitak arrived in Tehran on Monday and held talks with high ranking Iranian officials on expansion of bilateral economic and commercial affairs in post-sanctions period on Tuesday.
Thailand has announced its objective to initiate billions-of-dollars strong trade with Iran.
Thai 70-member delegation inclusive of merchants and businessmen, industrialists, bankers and managers of small and medium sized industries are willing to develop trade and economic cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran.