Britain’s Ministry of Finance has removed Bank Saderat Iran (BSI) and Bank Saderat PLC, the UK branch of BSI, from the list of sanctions.
In a statement released on Monday, the ministry said that Council Regulating (EU) 267/2012 (‘the Regulation’) imposing financial sanctions against Iran has amended so that an asset freeze no longer applies to BSI and Bank Saderat PLC.
The amending Regulation amended the listings of Bank Saderat Iran and Bank Saderat PLC so that they would remain in force until October 22, 2016, the statement said, adding that as that date has now passed, Bank Saderat Iran and Bank Saderat PLC are no longer subject to the restrictive measures set out in the Regulation, including the asset freeze.
A copy of the Amending Regulation can be obtained from the website of the Official Journal of the European Union.