A 150-member economic and trade delegation from Italy comprising 120 active companies in different fields will pay a visit to Tehran next week.

The Italian delegation will come from Italy’s Marche province which located in the central part of Italy.
Italy has been Iran’s first trade partner in not remote years and the volume of the two countries’ trade exchanges hit 7.5 billion euros per year.
Iran and Italy signed 12 contracts to cooperate in trade in mid-April.
Chairman of Iran-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Mines Ahmad Pourfallah said the agreements were signed in the presence of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade, Mohammadreza Nematzadeh.
He said negotiations are also underway between Iranian and Italian trade delegations to discuss further cooperation in economy, trade and banking.
According to the official, the discussions include cooperation in oil, gas, electricity, power plant, steel, textile, fashion, car, infrastructure, urban planning and architecture, telecommunication, railway, airport construction, shipping, refinery, and petrochemicals.
He said the Italian economic delegation including 70 economic firms is the ninth delegation which traveled to Iran after the nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions.