A Italian official said here on Friday that companies in the Lombardy region are keen to invest on Iran’s health and transport infrastructure sectors.

Speaking to IRNA, Deputy Vice Governor of the Lombardy region Fabrizio Sala, who is visiting Iran as a member of the European House-Ambrosetti delegation, said that Lombardia has enjoyed prolific cooperation with Iran in the framework of international agreements.
The value of trade transactions between Iran and Lombardy region reached 400 million euro in 2015, he said, adding the figure indicates a 20-percent increase compared to the same period in the previous year.
He estimated that the figure would increase by five to six percent in 2017 comparing to that of the 2016.
Sala reiterated that companies in Lombardy region are among world’s major companies regarding their activities in health and transport infrastructure sectors.
The first session of Iran-Italy economic summit organized by the European House-Ambrosetti was held in Tehran from May 15 to 16 with the participation of Iranian and Italian officials.
Topics on the agenda of the meeting included banking systems, insurance, taxation systems, expansion of bilateral relations, infrastructure issues, auto making industry, urban development, energy, commerce, investment, tourism and culture.
The meeting aimed at broadening ties and cooperation between Tehran and Rome.
Lombardy is one of the twenty administrative regions of Italy, in the northwest of the country, with an area of 23,844 square kilometres.
About 10 million people, or a sixth of Italy’s population, lives in Lombardy and about a fifth of Italy’s GDP is produced in the region, making it the most populous and richest region in the country and one of the richest regions in Europe.
Milan, Lombardy’s capital, is the second-largest city and the largest metropolitan area in Italy.