Some 8.803 million tons of commodities were transited from 32 Iranian land and sea borders over the past nine months, Official with the Roads Maintenance and Transportation Organization Mohammad Javad Atrchian said on Wednesday.
Atrchian said that 3.954 million tons of the transited commodities were oil products with 4.847 million tons being non-oil goods.
Fuel, different chemicals, cotton, house appliances and food make up for the main non-oil commodities transited from Iranian borders, he said.
Atrchian said that the Port of Bandar Abbas was the most active border for transit of commodities into the country during the mentioned period.
He said that the Port of Imam Khomeini was the most active border for transit of commodities out of Iran.
The most transit of commodities by trucks through the Iranian borders during the nine-month period was the transit of goods from Iraq to the United Arab Emirates, according to the official.