Head of Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mine and Agriculture Gholamhossein Shafei said in meeting with Slovenian trade delegation on Tuesday that he is optimistic about growth of trade ties with Slovenia.

He said that Iran is a country with plenty of economic advantages in the region and Slovenia is a gateway for European Union, so the advantages would be enough to draw the best roadmap for future cooperation and economic outlook.
For sure, presence of President Borut Pahor and accompanying delegation indicates that economy is a main route to access macro political goals in development of a country.
Shafei said that our main approach is constructive participation in issues of region and trans-region to create and strengthen economic relations with other countries.
Iran-Slovenia Trade Commission held a meeting on Tuesday in presence of President Borut Pahor and Minister of Energy Hamid Chitchian as well as representatives from 50 Slovenian companies at Iran’s Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mine and Agriculture.
Private sectors of the two countries signed three Memorandums of Understanding in Tehran.