Foreign researchers have a strong presence in the 16th Exhibition on Research & Technological Achievements and Technology Market, says Iran’s deputy science minister for research and technology.
‘In this year’s research week, we emphasized on the presence of foreign countries for both presentation of technical products and investment, said Vahid Ahmadi on Monday, adding that this year’s research week motto is research, technology, national determination and global approach.
He said accordingly, Iranians living in foreign countries, as well as Islamic countries and some European companies are present to offer technology and investment.
He said,’We are trying so that research centers attract foreign investment and even partners.’
According to the plans, at least 20 European and Asian ambassadors will visit research and technology exhibition.
The head of the research week headquarters said, ‘German, Italian, Danish, Portuguese and French researchers present their technological achievements in this year’s exhibition. Twenty five Iranian PhD students in mentioned countries will offer their research papers in the exhibition.’
More than 5,000 papers in research and technology achievement exhibition will be presented, said the deputy science minister.
He added that at least 3,000 presented achievements have Technology Readiness Level (TRL) certificates.
He also said that 2,500 ideas were presented to this year’s exhibition of which ten top ideas will be selected and introduced.
Exhibition on Research & Technological Achievements and Technology Market began from today and continues up to December, 17 in International Exhibition Venue in Tehran.
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