Sanctions on Bank Melli in Hong Kong lifted
Deputy governor for currency affairs at the Bank Melli of Iran (BMI) announced that sanctions on BMI Hong Kong Branch have been lifted since June 24 and the branch will soon resume its activities there. Hong Kong Monetary Authority lifted restrictions on BMI in Honk Kong, Gholam Reza Panahi made…
Switzerland releases Iran’s frozen cash
Switzerland freed up money from Iran that was frozen in Swiss bank accounts after sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic were lifted. A sum of $11.8 million had been stopped from leaving Switzerland after being frozen between 2007 and 2012, as part of a sanctions programme against Iran to attempt…
Simmons & Simmons launches investment fund in Iran
International law firm Simmons & Simmons has acted on the restructuring of the Sturgeon Central Asia Fund to enable it to be one of the first funds to invest in Iran. Although the repeal of pre-existing sanctions is good news for those wanting to do business with Iran, restrictions still…