The first international exhibition called ‘Golden Triangle of Tourism’ will be held in Yazd Province.
The exhibition is scheduled for Jan. 19, 2016 at Yazd Permanent International Fairground, said Mohsen Sadeqi-Nasab, an organizer of the exhibition, according to the English-language paper Iran Daily.
He described Yazd, Isfahan and Fars provinces as ‘Iran’s Golden Triangle of Tourism’ and said the exhibition would run until Jan. 22 with the theme of ‘National Harmony, Global Trade, and Iranian Innovation’.
“Yazd, Isfahan and Fars have been always among the most visited destinations by foreign tourists and hopefully they will attract more visitors as a result of the nuclear agreement between Iran and P5+1,” he said.
The annual exhibition in Yazd, he noted, would be followed by two more exhibitions in Shiraz and Isfahan, capitals of Fars and Isfahan provinces respectively.
Sadeqi-Nasab said the sign of ‘Welcome to Yazd’ would also be unveiled at the exhibition which would hopefully improve tourism facilities in the province.
“Yazd has been selected as the first city to host the international exhibition since its recognition as an exemplary adobe city in the world and the world’s second most important historical city. However, it has received less publicity than the two other cities of Iran,” he said.
The exhibition will focus on tourism, hoteling and related industries he added.
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