Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined that the time is ripe for Tehran and Berlin to boost their economic cooperation, and said that Iran can be a good trade partner for Germany.

“Iran can be a trustworthy partner in joint production of goods and exporting them to the regional countries, especially Central Asia,” Zarif said in a meeting with German Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries in Berlin on Tuesday.
He said that the Iranian businessmen and Germany’s commercial society have mutual trust in each other.
“The time is now ripe for Iran and Germany to broaden their economic cooperation and naturally banking cooperation paves the way for increasing the economic and trade relations between the two countries,” Foreign Minister Zarif said.
The German economy minister, for her part, pointed to the age-old relations between the two countries, and said, “Iran-Germany relations are at a satisfactory level and a large number of Germans visit Iran every year.”
She said that Germany’s export insurance known as Hermes is interested to guarantee investment projects in Iran, especially in the sectors such as energy and electricity.