Vice President Masoud Soltanifar on Wednesday, referring to the historical-cultural ties between Iran and China, called for stronger tourism ties between the two countries.

Chief of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization made the remarks at an Iran-China tourism conference in the Chinese capital.
Getting familiar with Iranian civilization is necessary for the Chinese community, Soltanifar said.
Referring to the cultural and natural attractions of Iran, he urged promotion of sustainable tourism along the ancient Silk Road.
During the meeting, Chinese officials also welcomed development of tourism ties between Tehran and Beijing.
Heading a delegation, Soltanifar arrived in China Wednesday morning local time to attend the First World Conference on Tourism for Development.
The First World Conference on Tourism for Development is holding in Beijing, China from 18-21 May 2016 with a specific view to advancing the contribution of tourism to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) under the theme “Tourism for Peace and Development”.