Invest in Gas Station complex (Opportunity in IRAN)
Participation in the purchase of Two gas stations One of them with carwash and stores In northern Iran (working now), The other one in Tehran city center (working now). Higher income and guaranteed Need to invest: $ 7 million Suitable For: Lenders, Finance Providers, Participation in the Buy For More…
Invest in Solar Power Plant (Opportunity in iran)
Located in One of the Sun richest Areas in the world, Government guarantees buying power for 20 years, with a capacity of 66 MWp, with Approval from Energy Minister. Suitable For: Investors, Finance Providers, Foreign direct investment in iran Iran is one of the sun richest countries. Area Solar Irradiation…
Investment Opportunities
IRAN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES with INCREDIBLE MONEY MAKING POTENTIAL Offering Ideas That Raise Your Business Above The Expected Opportunity Description Suitable For Stat Contact Info Petrochemical Catalysts Production Line Setting up Petrochemical Catalysts Producing Line With capacity of 400 Ton/Year EBDH Catalysts, High Demand Market, without any competitor in region Investors,…