Renewable energy to generate in Iran
Deputy Head of Renewable Energy Organization of Iran Jaafar Mohammadnejad said on Tuesday that upon the Five-Year Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan, Iran will produce 5,000 megawatts renewable energy in the next five years. He made the remarks in inauguration ceremony for commissioning six solar power stations with capacity…
ISES head: Iran to compile renewable energy roadmap
The First National Conference & Exhibition of Iranian Solar Energy Society on Renewable Energy will be held in Iran during May 4-5, 2016, Says the head of the Iranian Solar Energy Scientific Society (ISES). Speaking to Iran Daily, Majid Namjou said his society is the founder of renewable energies in…
EU energy officials to visit Iran in February
The European Commission will undertake a first ‘technical assessment mission’ in February to explore energy ties with Iran following the lifting of international sanctions, European Climate and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete said on Sunday. Late on Saturday, the European Union, the United Nations and the United States lifted sanctions…