Austrian companies ready for investment in Iranian economic sector
The Commercial Counselor at the Austrian Embassy in Tehran Georg Weingartner says Austrian companies are eager to invest and have economic activity in Iran and Kish Island. Weingartner, who is on a visit to Kish Island along with a delegation from the Commercial Section of Austrian Embassy, told the investment…
Russian banks race to front of queue to enter Iran’s banking sector
Russian banks are striving to be the first in line after the partial lifting of sanctions against Iran, Russian newspaper Izvestiya reported on Wednesday. In January the U.S. and EU announced the lifting of all economic and financial sanctions against the Islamic Republic associated with its nuclear program, enabling Tehran to access previously frozen assets, use international financial messaging services…
France calls for improvement of banking ties with Iran
Visiting President of French National Assembly Claude Bartolone called for improvement of banking cooperation with Iran in a meeting with Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Chief Valiollah Seif on Wednesday. Bartolone said France supports Iran to execute the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). FATF is an intergovernmental organization founded in…
Iran to implement carmaking contracts with German companies soon
Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Mohammad Reza Ne’matzadeh said on Tuesday that the contracts signed with German companies in the sector of automobile will be carried out soon. Ne’matzadeh made the remarks in meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Bavaria State in Germany Ilse Aigner….
Three Iranian banks to open branches in Munich
Three Iranian banks have told Bavaria’s economy minister that they plan to open branches in Munich to help stimulate more business ties with German firms, the Muenchner Merkur newspaper reported on Sunday. Middle East Bank, Parsian Bank and Sina Bank have received approval from Iran’s central bank to set up…
Envoy: Suitable atmosphere created for foreign investment in Iran
Iranian Ambassador to France Ali Ahani underlined that a good conditions have been provided for investment and production in Iran and exporting the goods abroad. “There is currently a suitable situation in Iran for the French companies to invest and produce in Iran for the consumption of domestic market and…
Iran, Russia underline boost of banking cooperation
The Vice Governor of Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Gholamali Kamyab and Vice Governor of Central Bank of Russian Federation Dmitry Skoblekin called for boost of banking relations. Iranian and Russian top banking officials met in Tehran on Thursday. Ground is prepared for promotion of banking ties between Iran and…
Ambassador: Iran, South Africa to set up joint bank
South African Ambassador to Tehran William Max Whitehead said on Wednesday that lifting the sanctions helped Iran and South African to set up a joint bank. He made the remarks in meeting with head and members of Khorramabad Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mine and Agriculture. He said that establishment of…